Congratulations to the following outstanding scholars nominated by their high schools to receive the 2018 CAAC Book Award:

Isabella Hasset
Ashley Hall
Isabella was nominated because she is an exceptionally inclusive and involved student. She serves as a strong class president and founded Ashley Hall’s dram club.
Andrew Stewart Riordan
Christ Church Episcopal School
Andrew was nominated because he an incredibly bright, inquisitive, and responsible. He excels in the classroom, onstage, and on the athletic field or swimming pool. He is a voracious learner who always has his hand up in class and is a problem solver. He also writers, plays guitar, has a black belt in karate – truly someone who strives to do it all.
Emile Leo Charles
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics
Emile was nominated because he is a curious, driven, and disciplined student who manages a demanding academic and extra-curricular schedule and is a star swimmer on the school team. He is very engaged in the school community including serving on the student government’s mental health and wellness committee.
Hana Kamran
Central Cabarrus HS
Hana was nominated because she is inquisitive, compassionate, all around student and athlete. She runs track and excels in science, winning numerous science fair award and recognitions, and spent the summer of 2018 attending a prestigious program for young scientists.
Kathleen Rose Allden
Dreher High School
Kathleen was nominated because she is an outstanding student – ranked third in a class of 265 students with a GPA over 5.0. She is also involved in National honor Society, the Key Club, and a member of the track and cross-country teams.
Maya Brown
Governor School Science & Math
Maya was nominated because she has excellent grades and is involved in over eight different extracurricular teams and activities including being co-captain of the basketball team, vice president for the Beta Club, working in the business office and participating in volleyball and track.
William "Mark" Dillon
Meyer Park HS
Mark was nominated because he is an excellent student role model – striving to be the best he can be each day. He is inclusive to all and a joy to have on campus.
Grayson Paul Selvey
Hickory Ridge HS
Grayson was nominated because he is number one in his class and an excellent student and leader.
Nikoly DosSantos
Providence HS
Nikoly was nominated because she is an excellent scholar and athlete. She is the only female on the wrestling team, has a 4.4 GPA, and will be the first in her family to attend university next year.
Srikar Nanduri
Raleigh Charter High School
Srikar was nominated because he is fully engaged in learning and goes above and beyond. He sets high goals and exceeds them on a regular basis. He is very interested in STEM, a leader of the service club, and created a music collaborative, Weston Estate, whose music can be found on SoundCloud.
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